1002 projects were found

Performanzorientierte Professionalisierung in der Lehramtsausbildung

Duration: 04/2021 - 12/2025

Funded by: BMBF

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Designing education for the digital world at Paderborn University

Firstly, the project will develop innovative formats to implement the curricular requirements in courses for the teaching profession. Secondly, an evaluation tool is being developed that maps the various elements of the framework concept at course level.

Duration: 04/2021 - 06/2023

Funded by: Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V.

Self-Regulated Learning for Entrepreneurs – F?rderung der Selbstregulationsf?higkeit angehender Unternehmer*innen

Unternehmer/-innen stehen – gerade in der Gründungsphase – h?ufig vor der Herausforderung, unter gro?er Unsicherheit und auf Basis lückenhafter Informationen zu handeln. Die Forschung interessiert sich zunehmend für die Frage, welche psychologischen Merkmale Unternehmern/-innen dabei helfen, solche Unsicherheiten zu bew?ltigen. Wie entscheiden sie,

Duration: 04/2021 - 03/2024

Funded by: DFG

Ultraschall-gestützte oberfl?chenchemische Prozesse für Aluminiumlegierungen zur Verbesserung des Korrosionsschutzes und der Haftung von Lackierungen und Verklebungen

Der Markt der Oberfl?chentechnik und des Korrosionsschutzes an Al-Werkstoffen ist traditionell sehr stark durch KMU gepr?gt. Diesen soll mit dem vorliegenden Projekt eine neue Methode der Oberfl?chenbehandlung mittels Ultraschall zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Durch die Verwendung von Ultraschall sollen intermetallische Phasen, die oftmals einen ...

Duration: 04/2021 - 09/2023

Funded by: AiF e.V.

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BPM-I4.0 - Process mining for analyzing and prescribing industrial core processes

Nowadays, companies and their processes have to be adapted ever more quickly and flexibly. Process mining methods can create transparency and a better understanding of processes. Process mining makes it possible to identify, analyze and improve business processes based on data.Up to now, process mining research has primarily focused on structured ...

Duration: 04/2021 - 06/2023

Funded by: MWIDE NRW

Contact: Prof. Dr. Daniel Beverungen, Prof. Dr. Oliver Müller

Prozessorientierte wirtschaftliche Bewertung und Auswahl von IT-Sicherheitsma?nahmen

Aktuelle Technologien, bspw. aus den Bereichen Cloud-Computing oder Data-Science, bieten einerseits erhebliches Potential für den Erhalt und die St?rkung der Wettbewerbsposition von Unternehmen. Andererseits birgt die Einführung solcher Technologien neue Risiken, bspw. in Verbindung mit Data-Security, Cloud-Hacking oder Datenschutz. Um diesen ...

Duration: 04/2021 - 06/2024

Funded by: BMBF

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SAFE - Streaming approaches for Europe Enhancing the digital competences by streaming approaches for schools to tackle the challenges of COVID-19

COVID-19 is affecting daily work in all schools. In the current situation, which is strongly characterized by the effects of contact restrictions due to the corona pandemic, it is becoming clear that schools at all levels, i.e. primary, secondary and upper secondary education, are faced with the challenge of teaching in online formats. The Erasmus+ ...

Duration: 03/2021 - 02/2023

Funded by: EU

tRATEmark - Automated evaluation of word marks using machine learning methods

Today, intangible assets determine an average of 84% of a company's value. Among these intangible assets, brands play an important role, which in the form of words, phrases and logos significantly favor the market success of a company. The project aims to develop a method for the automated valuation of brands that is capable of continuously ...

Duration: 03/2021 - 05/2023

Funded by: BMWK

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ImPaKT - ICT-enabled model-based impact analysis in product development

The more complex and varied products become, the more time-consuming it is for companies to reliably analyze and evaluate the technical and financial effects of these changes. The challenges grow when many partners are involved in product development. Impact analyzes are intended to help companies identify possible consequences of product changes ...

Duration: 01/2021 - 12/2023

Funded by: BMBF

Contact: Dr.-Ing. Christian Oleff, Prof. Dr. Iris Gr??ler

Development of scalable anti-counterfeiting optical metasurfaces with nanoprint

Due to the fusion of our life with IoT (Internet of Things) technologies, we are about to enter the hyper-connected communities. Here at, identity concerned about who I am, who they are, what things are has become surely essential issues. However, the emergence of information society entails a lot of problems concerned with data and information ...

Duration: 01/2021 - 12/2022

Funded by: DAAD