1002 projects were found


Duration: 01/2020 - 12/2022

Funded by: MKW NRW

Theologie und Prophetie im Dialog. Christliche Prophetologie mit dem Blick auf das Judentum und den Islam

Das Neue Testament und die Kirchenv?ter haben sich intensiv auf die alttestamentlichen Propheten bezogen und sie typologisch auf Christus hin gedeutet. Diese Art der Prophetenauslegung ist in der Moderne jedoch aus unterschiedlichen Gründen in die Krise geraten. So gibt es derzeit keinen systematisch-theologischen Versuch, eine Prophetologie zu ...

Duration: 01/2020 - 12/2023

Funded by: DFG

Contact: Prof. Dr. Zishan Ghaffar

Development of highly dynamic test cylinders for test benches

Within the scope of the project, a new type of hydraulic test cylinder with self-adjusting control system is to be developed. The the focus is on the dynamics of the cylinder, to enable it to be used as a load unit in service life test rigs. Conventional hydraulic cylinders have too narrow a bandwidth have too narrow a bandwidth with regard to ...

Duration: 01/2020 - 12/2022

Funded by: ZIM

Data-driven methods in control engineering

The goal of the junior research group "Data-Driven Methods in Control Engineering" is to explore the synergetic combination of model- and data-driven methods for control engineering tasks. For this purpose, model-driven methods are combined with machine learning to obtain hybrid methods and to achieve the highest possible performance in control ...

Duration: 01/2020 - 12/2024

Funded by: BMBF

Project image

AKTIV UPB - Ausland, Kompetenz, Toleranz, Internationalisierung, Vielfalt

The DAAD-funded PLAZ project AKTIV UPB aims to promote the mobility of student teachers so that they have the opportunity to gain first-hand experience in other cultures and at the same time promote and develop their teaching skills. The project was initiated and coordinated by Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner in his role as a member of the Board of ...

Duration: 01/2020 - 11/2020

Funded by: DAAD

Berufliche Selbstverst?ndnisse in der regionalen Veranstaltungsbranche in Ostwestfalen-Lippe (OWL)

Ergebnisse dieser Studie wurden im Rahmen der VMBRDays 2020 ("Cancelled gigs, closed venues and running costs. An explorative investigation on the relation of professional self-concepts of local event managers of live music in Ostwestfalen-Lippe and their strategies to face the corona crisis", gemeinsam mit Maryam Momen Pour Tafreshi) sowie in ...

Duration: 01/2020 - 12/2021

DIBT Doctoral Program in International Business

Duration: 01/2020 - 12/2024

Funded by: FWF doc.funds

ICILS 2018-Transfer

Duration: 01/2020 - 12/2020

Funded by: BMBF

Schreibcoaches (Kooperationsprojekt mit der Friedrich-Spee-Gesamtschule Paderborn)

Bei dem im Jahr 2020 initiierten Projekt ?Schreibcoaches: Studierende in Spee“ handelt es sich um eine Kooperation zwischen der Germanistischen Sprachdidaktik der Universit?t Paderborn (AG Prof. Dr. Sara Rezat) und der Paderborner Friedrich-Spee-Gesamtschule. Mit dem Projekt ist die Idee verbunden, Schülerinnen und Schüler individuell beim Erwerb ...

Duration: 01/2020 - 12/2030

Factors in Graphs

Edge coloring and factors of graphs are classical areas of graph theory. Early and fundamental theorems of graph theory, such as K?nig's theorem (1916) or Petersen's theorem (1891) make statements about edge colorings and factors of graphs. Factors of regular graphs are of particular interest. Vizing (1965) showed that the minimum number of colors, ...

Duration: 01/2020 - 12/2024

Funded by: DFG