Seizing Opportunities, Driving Innovation, Taking Responsibility

Paderborn University is a modern research and educational institution in Ostwestfalen-Lippe (East Westphalia-Lippe), one of the major economic regions in Germany. With an innovative mindset and our commitment to freedom, democracy, and social values, we are heading for a bright future. We promote diversity at all levels and, as a campus university, offer short distances in every respect. Interdisciplinary cooperation, regional and international collaborations, a research- and practice-oriented range of courses and a culture of open communication are the hallmarks of our university. Through joint projects with companies and a lively start-up culture, Paderborn University is also an important player in the development of the region and closely linked to the city of Paderborn. In research, teaching, studies, and administration, we offer a wide range of opportunities to break new ground together and contribute to societal progress.

37.7 %
Female professors
Date: January 2023
Interdisciplinary research institutions
Date: June 2023
300 +
spin-offs from our university
Date: June 2023

We are family-friendly:

At Paderborn University, we attach great importance to the compatibility of family and career. We want to ensure a good balance between work or study-related commitments and responsibility for children or dependants in need of care.

Info for families

We are health-conscious:

Paderborn University prioritises healthy living and working conditions. Our Healthy University Task Force initiates and supports respective measures.

Healthy University

We are sustainable:

We are working together to take responsibility for the here and now, as well as for future generations. When it comes to sustainability, the scientific community also has a role to play. Paderborn University supports sustainable development with diverse activities in all fields.


We are diverse:

For many years, Paderborn University has actively championed equal opportunities, a work culture that promotes diversity, and the inclusion of diversity issues in research and teaching. Our Diversity Portal provides a wealth of information.

Diversity Portal
[Translate to English:] Familiengerechte Hochschule: Familienfest im Rahmen des 50-j?hrigen Jubil?ums der Universit?t Paderborn.
A woman rides her bicycle across the campus of Paderborn University.
Solar panels on the roofs of Paderborn University.
The Inter* Inclusive Pride Flag decorates the campus of Paderborn University at the AStA Summer Festival.

Our Cam­pus

The main campus in the south of the city is home to seminar buildings, lecture halls, offices, laboratories and more. Short distances connect the administration, the central contact points and all five faculties of Paderborn University. Relax and linger in the abundant green outdoor spaces here.

In addition, various branches of our university offer space for research, teaching and innovation. The Zukunftsmeilen 1 and 2 are hubs for networking between Paderborn University and regional companies. Our scientists also conduct research in the adjacent Fuerstenallee, which is home to the Heinz Nixdorf Institute, among others.

About one kilometre south of the campus, the Paderborn Technology Park hosts individual branches of our faculties. The Start-up Campus OWL on the former site of the Barker Barracks is the new home for the members of Paderborn University's Technology Transfer and Start-up Centre (TecUP). In the very heart of Paderborn, our General Students' Committee (AStA) has created the AStA Stadtcampus, a place for education, culture, commitment, and togetherness.

As a joint institution of Paderborn University and the Detmold University of Music, the Musicology Seminar (MuWi) is dedicated to the study and research of music and music culture. The MuWi and the large music library are located in the Detmold FORUM Science | Library | Music, about 30 kilometres away.

Our Organisation

Paderborn University is segmented into university management, faculties as well as scientific and central institutions. Specialties are the many interdisciplinary nexuses at all university levels.


Our Cooperations

In order to overcome the challenges of the present and to collectively shape the future, Paderborn University is committed to cooperating with its academic and industrial partners. We are members of numerous networks and alliances on a regional, national, and international level. Learn more about our diverse cooperations.

Our Friends and Sponsors

Numerous organisations, companies, and private individuals support Paderborn University with their personal commitment or donations and also remain connected to us in the long term as alumni. Tank you!

Paderborn University's Outstanding Commitment

audit family friendly university

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audit diversity friendly university

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Diversity Charter

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Charter for the Reconciliation of Career and Care

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Corporate Health Award

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Gender Award NRW

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Our History

A crane erects a large sign reading "Here the state of North Rhine-Westphalia is building the Paderborn Comprehensive University". The black-and-white photograph shows several spectators from behind.


The transition from a Gesamthochschule (comprehensive university) to a university: Paderborn University has undergone a dynamic development since it was founded in 1972.

Our University's history
Opening ceremony for the 50th anniversary of Paderborn University: A hand holds up a UPB50 sticker.


Celebrating the future: Paderborn University celebrated its 50th birthday in 2022 under this motto.

Anniversary website

Our Campus Life

Pursuing a passion together and strengthening community: Campus life at Paderborn University is colourful and benefits from varied offers in the areas of culture, sports and leisure.



Press, Communications and Marketing Office

Paderborn University
必威体育 Str. 100
33098 Paderborn
+49 5251 60-2553 Send E-Mail Directions